Dinner was delightfully indulgent
Filled with laughter and good cheer
Stopping for a moment
To give thanks for the big and little things
That have crossed our paths this year
A friend in despair found out just how much others shared
As time stood still and kindness filled the air
A lonesome spirit was uplifted by song
Carried by the winds of change
From a neighbor they had never known
A hungry stranger was comforted and fed
As boxes of food arrived
From strangers who cared
As frightened patients lay in their beds
Countless people prayed for them
As doctors and nurses risked everything
Gearing up from their hands to their heads
New jobs new attitudes
New places to live abound
What was once lost
A new way of living
Has been found
Humbled and with gratitude
We all sat down yesterday
We came together
In smaller numbers
In simpler ways
And gave thanks
For the food before us
And the faith that has filled our days
The pies are almost gone
Visiting family and friends have moved on
To finish out the year
With perhaps a new rhythm in their step
And a keener ear to the song
Of those in need
And a better way for all of us to get along
Of more gratitude and a little less fear
Contemplating the new perspectives
They have endeared
Perhaps one day they will convey
The importance of lessons learned
Throughout the past year
To future generations
To whom yesterday
Will only be a story
That has been passed on from year to year
And as the final chapters
Of this year unfold
What will be your story
As a new day unfolds